Does Everyone Really Need a Website?

本文最后更新于 2024-02-24,文中内容可能已过时。

I seen a blog posted by Amin Eftegarie. Every person on the planet should have their own website

Every person on the planet should have their own website, on their own domain name, and blog about whatever they want.
I’ve had my own website since I was 13. I will not tell you the domain name because it contained some cringe ass shit that’s still visible on But that’s not the point, at least I was playing around, unrestricted. I registered a domain name with shared hosting.
Everyone should be writing in public. It may be about work, family, a lifelong obsession with a certain subject, random observations, photo albums, music you produced, your favorite quotes, etc.
It will be safely kept in for your ancestors to investigate and ponder on.
And they will. Even if most of your future offspring are normies, at some point, it’s nearly guaranteed that someone will discover your old blog and share it with the family.
“Hey, I have a crazy story. I found this website today. There used to be this person who did this and that. And he’s our grand-grand-grand-father!”
Now imagine if you had access to interesting details about your great-grandmother’s sister, or brother, or whatever. Wouldn’t you want to, at least for once, look into, and share the highlights with your family?
July 6, 2023

A replay is:

cogmios says: July 7, 2023 at 12:33 pm
I wrote this also in the 90’s when I started my own site and my own blog as one of the first blogs.
But 30 years later, I think there are many reasons why you would not want to do this. (I also stopped doing so).
– you will grow and you will change opinions about things often 100 percent, the internet memory is however forever
– you will enter in different careers and depending on the customer you would not want to be completely frank about every little thing you think or what your preferences are or what your experience is
– in real life there are larger groups of persons with very different and often extreme viewpoints on either religious related, political related, culturally related etc viewpoints. This has grown and grown and has become a real life danger if you get picked up by some internet thread on some social media forum. This has changed from the 90’s where the internet was filled with intelligence and a hopeful view on the world. It is easy to fall into the trap of engaging in various discussions
– you get children and often different social circles where you want to engage into blanco your children might not like at a certain stage you posting stuff (or pictures) (or opinions)
– there are tons of frauds and criminal networks who gladly scrape everything you are from there not in the least for phishing
So more or less: because there is also the real world with the 20% of people who are on the fraud/extreme religious/extreme political/other criminals/dumb side and there is real life social interaction and personal growth the following 30 years where once you write something it becomes stone

Foreign countries are also contending with the challenges posed by a deteriorating internet environment. Privacy concerns have garnered significant attention overseas. The disregard for privacy matters could potentially jeopardize the personal safety of individuals, and instances like threatening letter incidents underscore this apprehension.

It’s noteworthy that the barrier to entry for the mobile internet is exceptionally low. Some individuals have pointed out the difficulty in discerning whether they are interacting with a real person or something else on the opposite end of the network. The issue of censorship also casts a shadow. Recent cases have arisen where individuals’ Steam accounts were suspended, often linked to the release of Overwatch 2. Engaging with certain content might lead to a ban, and even give it a like could trigger a warning letter. Elon Musk has similarly taken recent actions to ban specific accounts.

Sensitive topics like race, gender, and homosexuality can evoke strong reactions from Western audiences. Matters related to copyright also have the potential to inflame major corporations, prompting them to take concrete measures to shut down websites. Instances of pirated content are being prohibited on certain private forum servers. From a personal perspective, were I to manage a server, I would likely not tolerate the presence of pirated content due to potential personal repercussions. This raises the question: why should I be held accountable for pirated content on my site? It appears that no one is willing to shoulder this responsibility, as no single component can be deemed innocent when an avalanche occurs.

And western companies wield significant implications regarding copyright.Reports suggest that using BitTorrent in Europe and America can entail substantial risks, which indeed sounds quite unsettling.

Forever.Nothing is forever.I read my previous comments on the Internet, and sometimes it does make me feel embarrassed. Human ideas are indeed very changeable. Well,most of my blogs are summaries or tutorials, and those are also time-sensitive. Perhaps when my ideas are collected into a book and recognized by people, it is worth preserving and circulating as ideas and wisdom.